英语口语 | 用a bad egg表达“坏蛋,混蛋,坏家伙,缺乏道德的人”

本文和大家分享的口语表达是:a bad egg。这个口语表达的字面意思就是:一个坏鸡蛋。那在常用口语表达中大家能猜出来是什么意思吗?就是我们常说的“坏蛋,混蛋,坏家伙”,指的是缺乏道德的人。

  • - In my book, he's a bad egg, you'd better stay away from him.
    - 据我所知,他一肚子坏水,你最好远离他。
    - OK, I got it.
    - 好的,我知道了。
  • - Do you know the man over there? I heard that he has done something very bad, right?
    - 你知道那边那个男的吗?我听说他做了坏事是吗?
    - Yes, he's been in prison several times for all sorts of crimes. He's really a bad egg.
    - 是的,他因为犯罪坐过好几次牢,他真的是个坏蛋。

英语口语 | 用a bad egg表达“坏蛋,混蛋,坏家伙,缺乏道德的人”


  • 丢脸 lose face
  • 玩火 play with fire
  • 酸葡萄 sour grape
  • 纸老虎 paper tiger
  • 以牙还牙 a tooth for a tooth
  • 沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean


  • You know what? He stood me up yesterday, he is such a bad egg.
  • He's a bad egg - don't believe anything he says.
  • He's a bad egg. Better tell your sister not to date him.