英语口语 | 用bite my tongue表达“忍住不说话,尽力忍耐保持沉默,欲言又止”和“别人说的话不受欢迎,乌鸦嘴”

本文和大家分享的口语表达是:bite one's tongue。首先,这个口语表达可以作为字面意思用。平时生活节奏很快,有些人吃饭也很着急,不小心就要到舌头了,就可以说:Ouch! I bit my tongue! 哎哟,我咬到舌头了。


  • My friend asked me what I thought of her new dress. It’s really ugly, but I couldn’t say that to her, so I just bit my tongue and told her it was nice.
  • - My boss asked me to work late.
    - 我老板叫我加班。
    - Really? Did you say anything?
    - 是吗?你说什么了吗?
    - No, I just bit my tongue. I don’t want my boss to get angry at me.
    - 没,我没敢说什么,怕老板生气。


  • I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her what I really thought.
  • I sat through that whole silly conversation biting my tongue.

另外,Bite your tongue! 还常用在祈使句中,表示“别人说的话不受欢迎,乌鸦嘴”。

  • - I heard it’s going to rain tomorrow.
    - 我听说明天会下雨。
    - Bite your tongue! I’m supposed to go on a picnic tomorrow.
    - 别乌鸦嘴了,我明天想去野餐呢。
  • - I really don’t think the Allstars will win the championship.
    - 我真的认为全明星队得不到冠军。
    - Bite your tongue! They’re my favorite team! I really want them to win!
    - 不要乌鸦嘴了,他们可是我最喜欢的,我真的希望他们赢得比赛!