英语口语 | 用lose face表达“尴尬、丢面子、丢脸”

本文和大家分享的口语表达是:lose face。很多人看到这个表达的第一反应,这样说对吗?是不是中式英语?“lose face”是英语里的地道表达,It means to be embarrassed or humiliated,中文意思就是:“尴尬、丢面子、丢脸”。

牛津一周英语热词:Civility 客套、Poorface 穷脸、以及Schadenfreude 幸灾乐祸的德国队

那么,这个英语表达“lose face”怎么和中文的说法“丢脸”一模一样呢?其实,lose face 最早出现在林语堂先生的《吾国与吾民》(My Country and My People)一书中,lose face 也本来是中式英语,是从“丢脸”直译而来的,后来使用的人越来越多就成了地道的英语表达。(推荐阅读:翻译家 | 林语堂先生教你翻译 “之乎者也”

下面我们来看看 lose face 在英语口语表达里是如何应用的。

  • Don't mess it up. Your careless work can make you lose face with our boss.
  • - Just do what you are supposed to do. Haters gonna hate.
    - 做好你该做的事就好,走自己的路让别人说去吧。
    - But the last thing I want to see is to lose face before my friends.
    - 但是,我最不想见到的事情就是在朋友面前丢脸。


  • She'll lose face if she doesn't keep her promise.
  • This gives him an opportunity to change his mind without losing face.
  • If you wanna speak English well, you gotta practise a lot with others. Don't be afraid to lose face.